Thursday, March 28, 2013

Nevada ranks last in the percentage of 18-24 year olds who are high school graduates. -US Census Bureau, 2005 American Community*

Of 100 high school freshman in Nevada, only 10 will earn a college degree within 10 years. -Student Pipeline-Transition and Completion Rates from 9th Grade to College**

George Hardaway, Retired Educator, on Parent Teacher Home Visits

"When I began teaching I was dealing with kids with deficiencies, kids with no basic skills. There was a disconnect between the school and the students who were dealing with difficult home situations. I felt the need, the responsibility, to do something so I began making home visits to open up communication. All understanding begins with communication.

 I know the importance of building relationships with students because when I was younger I had mentors, teachers, and tutors who were committed to my education, and that inspired me to do what I'm doing today. We all have a calling, a purpose, and when I look back on my career I know mine was to teach. I began teaching at Hug High School in 1971. I spent over 20 years in the classroom and probably did home visits with over 230 parents.

The bottom line of Parent Teacher Home Visits is to build long-lasting, positive relationships. The parents are going to accept you knowing you are making an effort to open up dialogue and establish understanding. In building a relationship based on trust, respect, and appreciation, we are able to join together and commit to making sure their child doesn't fall through the cracks.

Once a reciprocal relationship is built, the student's confidence and behavior improves. The bar is set higher for what is expected and the students begin to take their work more seriously. Assignments are turned in on time. Attendance is improved.

Eventually, other teachers saw what I was doing, and how well the students were responding. As a result, two other teachers began doing home visits.

Parent Teacher Home Visits helped parents and students realize that I truly cared. The students and parents are assured that I was really interested and motivated to see them succeed."



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