Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Supporter of Parent Teacher Home Visits:Greenbrae Elementary Teacher, Heide Kerr

 “Many of my students live in the same apartment complex near the school. I’ve visited several families there with Parent Teacher Home Visits.
At the beginning of the year we were studying world cultures and holidays in class. Students kept saying, ‘We celebrate Las Posadas at our apartment complex.’
The next time I did a Parent Teacher Home Visit, I heard more about Las Posadas and was invited to the event. We met in an apartment and first they said the rosary in Spanish. We sang Las Posadas songs and had a party where they invited me to eat with them.  I learned a lot about their culture and the holiday. At first I didn't realize that the event  went on for nine nights! I wish I could have gone to more of the nights, but I couldn't fit it into my schedule.

About a month later, a student whose family I visited with a Parent Teacher Home Visit had an incident on the playground. In the past when this type of thing happened, the parents would call me and yell, ‘How could you let this happen?' in an angry manner. This time the parents said, ‘We know how busy you are and I just want to let you know what happened on the playground.’ I was able to have an actual conversation with the parents. What a difference!"

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