Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ms. Kamaria Osayande

Ms. Kamaria Osayande is a Kindergarten teacher at Peavine Elementary School

“To begin a great school year, I always ask myself this question. What can I do to establish an influential relationship with my students to help them be successful learners?  And the answer is the same from year to year.  Focus on building positive relationships with my students and their parents.  There are two sides to teaching—the academic side and the people side.  Parent Teacher Home Visits provide you with the opportunity to engage parents in their children educational process.

My experience with Parent Teacher Home Visits has been positive for the most part, some parents are hesitant to agree to a scheduled home visit, because of a lack of trust regarding the personal relationship we may have at the time.  I’m a demanding teacher and I don’t except excuses from my students or their parents.  I’ve had parents to dislike me and my teaching methods and because of our Parent Teacher Home Visits program, understanding and appreciation becomes the focus in the relationship.  So their attitudes change with invested time in this process.

Our Parent Teacher Home Visits program has helped me to establish a lasting relationship with my students and their parents.  And there’s one reality that none of us can afford to ignore:  Students are more cooperative and perform at higher levels when they have a good relationship with their teacher.”

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